6 Things You Don’t Know About The Company You Keep’s Felisha Terrell (2024)

by Tiffany Raiford

The Company You Keep aired on ABC in February 2023, and actress Felisha Terrell plays the consultant to an Irish mobster. Terrell’s career in the entertainment industry began in the late 2000s and continues to evolve as she challenges herself with new roles. Terrell’s career includes roles in 10 films and more than 20 television shows.

Felisha Terrell is recognized for her guest appearances on famous primetime shows. Terrell has appeared in Supernatural, Lucifer, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Entourage, and Days of Our Lives. However, there is still so much to learn about The Company You Keep’s Felisha Terrell.

1. Felisha Terrell Left A Lucrative Career To Try Her Hand At Acting

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Felisha Terrell did not go into her college education or adult life with the mindset that she’d become an actress. Rather, she earned her degree from the University of Iowa and went to work in the pharmaceutical sales industry following her graduation. Terrell was 28 when she left her job as a pharmaceutical salesperson to move to Los Angeles.

It was 2007 when she left her career and moved to California. Terrell began her acting career in 2008 with a few guest appearances on different television shows. Terrell appeared in one episode of Entourage in 2008. Felisha also had a small role in the movie Get Smart in 2008.

2. Terrell Began Her Career On Daytime Television

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In 2009, Felisha Terrell landed her first big role in a television series. She was cast as Ariana Hernandez in the daytime soap opera Days of Our Lives. Terrell signed a three-year contract to play the role of Ariana, but she left the show less than four months after she began. Terrell’s character was replaced, and the reason she left her contract remains unclear.

3. Terrell Appeared On Reality Television

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Though Felisha Terrell is famous for her acting career, she also appeared in a reality television series. Terrell made her reality television debut, appearing on an episode of The T.O. Show on VH1. She was on the show because Felisha Terrell was engaged to the National Football League’s Terrell Owens at the time.

Owens played wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals during their engagement. Owens and Terrell eventually ended their engagement, but not before appearing as a guest on his reality show. The T.O. Show ran for three seasons from July 2009 until October 2011.

4. Terrell Believes The Entertainment Industry Is a Marathon Not A Sprint

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While working in the entertainment industry, Felisha Terrell has learned much about the business. One of the most important lessons Terrell has learned is that the industry is not a spring. It’s a marathon.

Felisha Terrell firmly believes that the acting industry is difficult but has room for everyone. The advice Terrell lives by is that she cannot compare herself to anyone else. The old adage that comparison is the thief of joy is true, and Terrell is diligent about not comparing her career to anyone else’s in the industry. Felisha celebrates her friends and colleagues when they land new roles and reminds herself that she will also enjoy her time when it’s right.

5. Felisha Terrell Thinks of Casting Directors As Her Biggest Champions

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Something Felisha Terrell does when she auditions for a role is trust herself and the choices she’s making during the process. Terrell believes she spent too much of her time trying to be what she assumed casting directors were looking for when she auditioned for roles when she should have trusted herself to do what she needed.

Felisha Terrell has since changed her thought process when working with casting directors. Rather than seeing them as people she has to figure out, Terrell now views casting directors as her biggest champions. She understands that their job is to find someone exciting and passionate, and Terrell knows she won’t always be that person for them. However, she also knows she can learn from them and apply that to future auditions.

6. Terrell’s Acting Method is To Dig Deeper Into Each Character To Know Them Inside And Out

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Every actor has their own personal style of acting or their own method of acting. Felisha Terrell is one of those actors. Her personal acting method is to learn her character, dig deep into the character, and learn them from the inside out. Terrell starts by learning her lines to perfection, then works to find out what her character is like beneath the surface.

Felisha Terrell is a bit of a detective when she’s getting to know the characters she is playing. It helps her learn the character, trust that she can handle the role, and focus on what is important. Terrell believes that knowing her lines and what lies under the surface of her character allows her to be present in scenes with other actors so that the focus is on the characters and not the actors.

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Tiffany Raiford

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After studying business in college, Tiffany embarked upon a career she never dreamed of. She became a stay-at-home mom and writer with her own blog. Her writing gained recognition and since 2009, she's written for sites such as What to Expect, Where'd My Sanity Go, and dozens more. She collaborated with the NFL, CDC, and Heads Up Football Program in 2012 and 2013. Her writing has allowed her to visit NYC for Fashion Week events since 2015, and she's worked with clients in almost every field, from dentistry to law and family to entertainment. Tiffany and her husband are the proud parents of four children in her free time.

6 Things You Don’t Know About The Company You Keep’s Felisha Terrell (2024)


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