The Danville Register from Danville, Virginia (2024)

a a The Register: Danville, Tuesday, March 27, Gathright Testimony Concluded; Decision Seen By End Of Week ROANOKE (AP)-Testimony in the Gathright Dam case came to halt in midafternoon Monday in U. District Court here with the question still undecided of whether the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers can continue to build the dam. U.S.

District Court Judge Ted Dalton indicated a written decision in the case, which ran almost 10 days, will not be made at least until the end of the week. Dalton told attorneys in the case he wants them to file with him no later than Thursday any "further thoughts" they may have. Mrs. Gladys Kessler, an attorney representing the National Wildlife Federation and other environmental groups seek- ing to block further construction on the dam across the Jackson River above Covington, asked Dalton for a period to file posttrial briefs in the case, The judge, who said he has made it a practice, to make; a decision at of a trial, said he would give her and other lawyers until Thursday to file the additional comments and legal citations. The end of the testimony in the trial left the question of the award of a $19 million contract for further building of the dam up in the air.

There had been testimony the contractor on the project had given the Engineers only until Thursday award the contract. That testimony indicated the project will have to be readvertised and deferred for a year if work i is not started by April 1. Asst. U. S.

Atty. Paul Thomson gir. asked Dalton for permission Monday to the contract pending the decision. Thomson said the award did not mean an actual notice to proceed would be given. Dalton said he wouldn't do that.

Thomson had objected to. Mrs. Kessler's request for time to file posttrial briefs with the judge before the decision is made. Thomson said the Engineers are working "in a critical time frame" because of the contract. He said typing the transcript of the full trial, a huge document, would take time and would be needed for the filing of postrial "We're not seeking to delay things any further," Mrs.

Kessler told Dalton, but she added she thinks the postrial briefs are needed for final summation of the case. Dalton, who seemed at one point ready to hear summations from the lawyers for both sides, said he would give them until Thursday to submit additional papers. The judge said he didn't want to hear oral arguments in the case Thursday and he wouldn't make his decision at that time. Dalton, who mentioned the possibility the case will go all the way to the U. S.

Supreme Court, said he has to make a decision that "may stand for a long, long time." The issue, he said, "is not a transitory one but one that affects the future." He said he will study carefully the issues in the case and "I'll do my best to take them up and come up with the best answer I can." Dalton said the case "all comes down to whether or not" the Engineers "acted capriciously or arbitrarily" in deciding, in a final environmental impact statement, to proceed with new construction on the dam. This decision, he said, will have to be made by "considering the totality of all the circ*mstances and the applicable law." There can be no "compromise" decision in the case, Dalton said, because either side will be unhappy with what he does and will appeal to the 4th U. SV. Circuit Court of Appeals and possibly to the U. S.

Supreme Court. As the case closed Monday, Bath County Extension Agent Lester Dalton testified the county needs the dam--most of which would be formed in the county--for economic reasons. "we are bound to have recreaHe a told Judge Dalton that tion. If we don't, we die. It is that simple." Two Arrested Nansemond Man Shot To Death; Wife Abducted, Raped And Shot NANSEMOND, Va.

(AP)--A 61-year-old farmer was shot to death Sunday night as he sat in the living room of his home in southwestern Nansemond, police said Monday, and his 60- year-old wife was abducted, raped, shot and thrown into a pond about a mile from their home. Two men were arrested Monday and charged, police said. They were identified as Cli-: ford Norman, 25, of the Whaleyville area of Nansemond, apprehended in Portsmouth about 5 a. and Robert Earl White, 29, taken into custody about 8 p. m.

in the Drum Hill area of Gates Coutny, N. C. Norman, held in Suffolk-Nansemond jail in lieu of bonds, totaling $70,000, is charged with the murder of Nat Davis Jones; with the attempted murder, rape and abduction of Mrs. Margaret Virginia Jones; and with burglary and with robbery" Funds Funds Luth Inc 9.91-10.83 Magna Funds: MagC 4.38 4.80 Incom. 8.96 9.79 Pilgm 9.47 10.35 Manhtn 4.20 4.59 Mkt Gth unavail Massachusett Co: Freed .8.22 9.01 Indep 7.67 8.41 Mass 11.64 12.76 Mass Financl: MIT 11.72 12.81 MIG 13.65 14.92 MID 14.20 15.52 MFD.

13.94:15.23 MCD 15.14 16.55 Mates 2.89 N.L. Mathers 12.46 N.L. Mid AM 5.67 6.20 MONY 11.37 12.43 Mut Ben 10.20 11.18. MIF Fd 7.79 8.42 MIF Gth 4.76 5.15 OmaG 4.99 5.42 Omahl 9.43°10.25 'Mut Shrs 16.15 N.L. Mut Trst 2.00 N.L.

NEA 10.40 10.61 Natl Ind 10.37 N.L. Nat Secur Ser: Balan 9.50 10.38 Bond 5.07 5.54 Divid 4.00 4.37 Grwth 7.88 8.61 Pr Stk 6.55 7.18 Incom 5.05 5.52 Stock 7.27. 7.95 NE LifeFund: Equit 16.09 17.49 Groth 11.02 11.98 Side 17.02 18.50 Neuw Neuw Cet 5.12 N.L. Fd 9.20 N.L. New Wld unavail Newton 15.36 16.79 Nich Strg 19.29 N.L.• Noreast 15.64 N.L.

Oceangr 6.71 N.L. Omega 8.17 8.29 One WmS 16.89 N.L. ONeill Fd 12.10 N.L. Oppenheimer Fd: Oppen 7.58 8.28 AIM 10.67 11.66 Time 7.95 8.69 OTC Sec 10.39 11.29 Param 7.99 8.73 Paul Rvr. 7.41 8.10 Penn Sq 6.90 N.L.

Pa Mut 2.77 N.L. Phila 7.90 Pine St 10.54 N.L. Pine Tree 3.72 Pioneer Fund: Entrp 7.75 8.47 Fund 11.59 12.67 11 9.59 10.48 Plan Inv 10.35 11.31 Pligrth 13.82 15.10 Price Funds: Grwth 28.48 N.L. NEra. 11.27 N.L.

Horiz 31.95 N.L. Pro Fund 9.32 N.L. Pro Portf unavail Provid 4.29 4.69 Prov Gth 8.63 9.43 Pru SIP 10.73 11.72 Putnam Funds: Conv 11.01 12.03 Equit 9.15 10.00 Georg 15.50 16.94 Grwth 11.30 12.35 Incom 8.35 9.13 Invest 9.98 10.91 10.74 11.74 Voyag 10.33 11.29 Revere 8.14 8.90 Rinfret 13.96 15.30 Sagitars 2.68 N.L. Schustr 9.25 10.11. Schust Sp 9.74 10.65 Scudder Funds: Int Inv 18.06 N.L.

Specl 32.89 N.L. Balan 16.76 N.L. Com St 10.81 N.L. Security Funds: Equly 3.66 4.01 Invest 7.01 7.68 Ultra 7.84 8.59 Selected Funds: Sel Am 8.89 Sel Opp 10.81 11.81 9.72 Sel Spi 13.67 14.95 Sent Gth 9.95 10.82*. Sentry 15.32 16.66 Shareholders Gp: Cmstk 3.64.

3.98 Entrp 6.06 6.62 Flet Fd 4.43 4.84 Harbr 7.87 8.60 Legal 6.41 7.01 Pace .9.22 10.08 Shearson Funds: Appre 19.74 21.57 Incom 18.09 19.77 Invest 10.11 11.05 Sherm D. 11.36 N.L. Side 8.13 Sigma Funds: Capil 8.55 9.34 Invest 11.04 12.07 Trust 8.49 9.28 Vent 10.62 11.61 SB Eqty 10.85 N.L. SB 11.89 N.L. SoGen Int 12.80 13.40 Sw Invs 8.75 9.46 Swin Gt 7.20 7.78 Sover Inv 11.71 12.82 Spectra 5.92 6.49 IntD 9.09 N.L.

State BondGr: Com 4.99 5.45 Div Fd 5.24 5.73 Prog 5.41 5.91 StFrm Frm In Gt 4.86 N.L. 9.79 State St 47.90 48.25 Steadman Funds: Am Ind 3.37 N.L. Asso 1.27 N.L. Invest 1.51 N.L. Stein Roe Fds: Balan 22.10 N.L.

CapO 10.93 N.L. Stock 15.85 N.L. Supervisd Inv: Grwth 6.34 6.95 Incom 8.70 9.53 Sumit 9.45 10.36 Tech 6.55 7.18 Sync Gih 7.66 8.37 TMR App 8.99 9.83 Teacher 9.63 9.83 Temp Gt 9.40 10.27 Towr 5.8. 6.36 Trns Cap 8.7. 9.48 Trav Eq 10.93 11.98 Tudr Hed 13.23 N.L.

TwnC TwnC Gl Inc 2.79 3.06 3.96 USAA Gt 12.02 N.L. US GovSe 10.22 10.38 Unif Mut 9.54 10.27 Unifund 9.40 10.27 Union Sve Grp: Broad 14.12 15.43 Nat Inv 9.00 9.84 10.36 11.32 Whtch 13.40 United Funds: Accm 7.43 8.14 Bond 8.17 8.95 Con Gr 10.44 11.44 Con Inc 10.52 11.53 Incom 13.97 15.31 Scien 7.17 7.86 Vang 7.48 8.20 Value Line Fd: Val Li 5.85 6.41 4.76 5.22 Lev Grt 7.94 8.30 Spl Sit 3.78 4.14 Vance Sanders: Bostn 7.45 8.14 Comm 7.95 8.69 Vandrbt Specl 8.21 8.97. 5.82 6.36 Vangd 2.14 2.34 Vantg TN 6.59 Var in 4.17 4.53 Viking 5.86 N.L. Wall St 7.76 8.48 Wash 11.63 12.71 Weing Eq 11.40 N.L. Wellingtn Group: Expir 22.86 24.98 Ivest 10.41 11.38 Morg 11.65 12.73 Techv 7.53 Trust 12.64 13.81 Wells 12.29 13.43 Welltn 11.52 12.59 Windr 8.23 8.99 4.04 4.43 8.99 9.77 Wisc Fd 5.92 6.47 Ziegler 9.59 10.48 No load (sales charge) Dow Jones DOW JONES AVERAGES New York(AP) Final Dow Jones averages STOCKS Open Low Close Net 30 Ind 924.74 931.74 914.28 927.90 20 15 Trn 189.96 193.09 188.60 192.36 3.14 65 Stk 107.75 106.28 107.01 0.41 Utl 106.88 291.90 294.76 289.16 293.44 2.32 Indus Transactions in stocks used in averages: Tran 960.900 Utils 65Stk 331,600 458.500 1,751.000 Bonds 40 Bonds 74.46 10 Higher grade rails .54.62 10 10 Second grade rails .68.65 Public Utilities .90.71 10 Industrials .83.87 Income railes.

.53.42 Commodity futures index .194.80 Deaths And Funerals L. R. McDaniel Funeral Today. BURLINGTON Funeral will be held for. Luther Ray McDaniel, who died in a Richmond hospital Sunday, in the Rich Thompson Chapel in Burlington at 3 p.m.

today. will be in Pine Hill Cemetery. McDaniel, 44, a' Richmond resident, was a native of Ruffin, N.C., and a retired steel construction worker. Surviving are one son, Jerry L. McDaniel of West Minister, his father stepmother, Mr.

and' Mrs. Henry Rt. Clay McDaniel of Elon College four sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Adner of San Diego, Mrs. Edna Keck, Mrs.

Margaret all Martin and Mrs. Lillian Elliott, of Burlington; three brothers, Raymond McDaniel of Reidsville, George W. McDaniel of Richmond and Robert L. McDaniel of Fullerton, and one step-: sister, Mrs. Francis White of Sanford.

W. E. Gauldin Funeral Today Funeral for W. Everett Gauldin, who died Sunday at Roman Eagle Memorial Home, will be held at 3 p.m. today in Townes Chapel by Dr.

T. E. Landis, with burial in Highland Burial Park. Gauldin was born in Henry County's Leatherwood community Jan. 28, 1893, a son of the late James 0.

and Mary Law Gauldin. Since 1925 he had lived in Danville. was a member Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church and operated the Gauldin Battery Service. His wife, Hilda Minter Gauldin, died Feb.

7, 1947.. He is survived by one daughter and two sons, Mrs. Calvin F. Major and Clyde N. Gauldin, both of Richmond, and James T.

Gauldin of Danville; two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. C. L. Minter, and Samuel Gauldin of Danville, and Mrs. Layfe Prillaman and Geoffrey Gauldin of Henry County; and six grandchildren.

Elva Barrow 10: Dies At Age 83. Miss Elva E. Barrow, 83; died in Martinsville She Memorial Hospital Sunday. was native of Danville and a retired chemistry professor University Greensboro. of North Miss Barrow, the daughter of the late F.

T. and Dora. Guerrant Barrow. lived early life in Danville. and most of her adult life in Greensboro.

She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Greensboro and a graduate of Randolph Macon Women's. College. She did graduate work at the University of Chicago and Cornell University. She is survived by two nieces and one nephew: Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Green Hill Cemetery by the Rev.

Woodrow A. Giles. The body is. at Townes Funeral Home. E.

C. Creasy Funeral Today ALTAVISTA Final rites for Elbert C. Creasy, who died at age 84 in a Salem hospital Sunday, will be held at 2 p.m. today at Updike Chapel in Huddleston. Burial will be in the Leftwich Cemetery.

Surviving are his wife, Clara Wilkes Creasy; six daughters, Mrs. Lonnie Hackworth of Lynch Station, John Campbell of Martinsville, Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Waynesboro, Mrs. John Saunders and Mrs. Harry Hypes, both of Altavista, and Mrs.

Roy Donaldson of Orlando, two sons, Lawrence Creasy of Danville and Willie Creasy of Winter Park, and one brother, Jesse Creasy of Thaxton. Mrs. Townes Rites Today Funeral services for Mrs. Sallie Bessie Townes will be. held at 4 p.m.

today from the Greater Triumph Baptist Church at Chatham by the Rev. H. G. McGhee. Burial will be in the 'church cemetery.

The widow of the late Robert Townes was dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital Saturday afternoon. She was born in Chatham, where she spent her entire life. She was a member of Greater Triumph Baptist Church. Survivors include one son and two daughters: Byrd Townes, Miss Sallie J. Townes, and Rebecca Smith, all of Chatham; 12 grandchildren; 47 greatgrandchildren and five greatgreat-grandchildren.

The body is at Harvey's the residence in Chatham. Funeral Home. The family is at Mrs. J. C.

Jones Dies At Age 73 Mrs. Harriette Wimbish Jones, 173, of Chatham 1, died Sunday night in Memorial Hospital in Danville. after a brief illness. Born in Pittsylvania County Sept. 7, 1899, she was the daughter of the late Joe Osborne and late Fannie Wilson Osborne.

She was a member of the Shockoe Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Joe Jones of Chatham Rt. four sons, Hubert Wimbish, and James Wimbish, both of Java, Ernest Wimbish and Charlie Wimbish, both of Newport News; three daughters, Mrs. Mary A. Clark and Mrs.

Lillie Hairston, both Java; Mrs. Shirley Barksdale of Vernon Hill. Also, a stepson, Raymond Jones of Keeling; three stepdaughters, Mary Ann Womack of New Rochelle, N.Y., Mrs. Willie Mae Womack of Danville and Mrs. Juanaita Moss of Colorado; one sister, Mrs.

Mary Lina Hatcher of Washington, D.C.; 45 grand children; and 27 greatgrandchildren. Funeral arrangements are. incomplete. The family is at the residence and the body is at Miller's Funeral Home in Gretna. Mrs.

Hall 3. Rites Today GLADYS Funeral for Mrs. Florence Hall, who died Saturday, will be held at 2 p.m. today 'at' Long Island in Staunton Baptist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Hall, a resident. of Gladys Rt. 2, was born in Pittsylvania County Sept. 15, She was a daughter of the late Charlie and Martha Monroe Hall.

Surviving are her husband, Raymond Hall; three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Carr and Mrs. Lizzie Lovelace, both of Gladys, and Mrs. Lillian Miller of Long Island; three sons, Franklin: Hall of Gladys, Raymond Hall Jr. -and Salior Hall, both of Altavista Rt.

one sister, Mrs. Ellen Rosser of Long Island; on brother, Jim Hall of Long Island; and 15 grandchildren. In Loving Memory of My Beloved Husband NORMAN F. MARTIN who passed away 1 year ago today. March 27, 1972.

In tears 1 saw you sinking And watched you fade away, My heart was almost broken For I wanted you to stay. But when I saw you sleeping, So peaceful, free How could I wish you back with me, to suffer that again? Dearly loved and sadly missed by his wife ALICE MARTIN, Danville, Va. The Family of Mrs. Dorothy Smith Rollins requests that in lieu of flowers any memorials be directed to Danville Life-Saving Crew Hallmark TUESDAY LUNCHEON DINNER SPECIALI Beef Stuffed Green Peppers Choice of 2 vegetables Hallmark -SERVING Lunch CAFETERIA 11:15 to 2:00 Balice Park Shopping Conter Dial 792-4454 Dinner New locally owned and operated by JERRY GEESEI 4:45 to 8:00 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Fass Bros. Fish.

House is a rapidly growing chain of owned family reataurants. Our expansion company created an immediate need for trainees in this region, has to advance into our management training, program. Our training program offers levels of salary management. plenty of opportunity to advance to all hospitalization, and benefits life insurance, pension plan, We would like continued growth through personal effort. sponsible work you to have one or two years of college, somereor military experience and work.

a willingness to For complete information 632-7488 -9 A.M. to 5 P. please call Mr. Charles Joyner: Monday thru Friday. INTERNATIONAL SEAFOOD INDUSTRIES, INC.

15407 Warwick Newport News, Va. 23602 A Company of Smithfield Foods, Inc. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Woman Dies From Injuries In Accident Mrs. Doris N. Thomas, 33, of Durham, N.C., died Sunday in Memorial Hospital from head injuries sustained in a three-car smashup Friday night in Caswell County, N.C.

Two other people, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 0. Daniel of Blanch Rt. 1, N.C., received minor injuries in the accident about seven miles north of Yanceyville, N.C., on Rt.

86. Another weekend death resulted from the collision of two cars on the Rt. 220 bypass two north Madison N.C., William Taylor, of Martinsville, was fatally' injured. Everett Clark Services Today Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today for Everett F.

Clark, who died Sunday at his home in Blairs, in the Ringgold Baptist Church by the Rev. John Groff and the Rev. Eugene Wilson. Interment will be in Highland Burial Park. Feb.

Clark 16. was born in Ringgold 1894, a son of the late Fred S. and Annie Cousins Clark. He lived in Ringgold 40 years, where he operated Clark's Dairy until he retired 12 years ago. He had lived at Blairs the last 10.

years. He first married the former Mary Dyer, who died in Nov. 1946. His second wife, Mrs. Verna M.

Clark survives him. He. was a member of the Ringgold Baptist Church. Surviving in addition to his wife are three sons and one daughter: Everett F. Clark Jr.

of Ringgold, Clay S. Clark of Eugene, W. Herbert Ferrell of Danville and Mrs. Charlotte C. Ford of Blairs; and four step-sons and two stepdaughters: Ronnie Caviness Richmond, Buddy Caviness of West Virginia, Mickey Caviness of Shenandoah, Kenneth Wade of Lynchburg, Mrs.

Joyce McBride Tampa, and Mrs. Jean Emely, Omaha, Neb. Also left are two brothers and three sisters: Harry H. Clark, William Clark, Mrs. Virginia C.

Haymes, Miss Doris- Clark and Mrs. Louise C. Jeffries, all of Danville; 11 grandchildren and "nine great grandchildren: BE LADIES' UMBRELLAS MF Furn. 530 Monroe St. Mrs.

Ben Rollins Dies On Monday Mrs. Dorothy Smith Rollins died yesterday afternoon at Memorial Hospital. She was a native of Lexington, born. May-17, 1908, the daughter of the late J. and Mattie Smith.

She married Ben G. Rollins on July 4, 1929. The Rollins lived in several cities because of his management affiliation with S.S. Kresge. She lived in Danville for 17 years and was employed by Thalhimers Department Store.

retired seven years ago. Mrs. Rollins wa's a member of the West End Christian Church and the Pi' Omicron sorority. She attended Eastern Kentucky College. Surviving in addition to her husband are one son, J.

Mickey Rollins of New Orleans, one daughter, Mrs. Fletcher of Danville; three sisters, Mrs. Mattie Sheseley and Mrs. De Sha Brinson of Lexington, and Mrs. Elizabeth Lamb of Dallas; and one grandson.

Funeral will be held. Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the WrennYeatts Chapel by the. Rev. Daniel Kap*rnyai.

will be in the Lexington Cemetery in Lexington, Ky: ET The body is at. the funeral home. The family will be at the residence, 425 Tamworth Dr. of an automobile and an unspecified amount of cash. Gates County Sheriff W.

Eure said White was arrested near the home of an uncle, James White, with whom he apparently lived. White was unarmed and offered no resistance, Eure said. He' said both Gates County and Nansemond on information White police wer at the scene, actine, the area. White will go before a District Court judge Tuesday in Gatesville, and Eure said he expected White to waive extradition. Nansemond said the.

charges against police White were the same as those against Norman. Nansemond Police Chief H. L. Mundie said Mrs. Jones attended church services Sunday night and as she turned into a lane leading to their isolated farm home, two men jumped in front of her car and snatched: open the She was forced into the rear seat by one man, Mundie and the second.

man drove said, off with all three in the car. Mundie said Mrs. Jones was beaten severely by both men, assaulted and kept prisoner for about an hour before they returned to the area near home. her When they got to a bridge over a pond about a mile from the house, Mundie said, Mrs. Pageant Events Announced series of special events for.

contestants in the 1973 Miss Black Teenage. Danville have been announced by Pat Shelton, producer of the event set for May 5 at the City auditorium. A special community awards dinner will be held April 27 at the King of the Sea restaurant at which 10 DanvillePittsylvania County area persons will be honored for service to the community. On April 28, Mrs. Edith Smith, a professional charm consultant for the pageant, will conduct a modeling, charm and etiquette clinic.

Prior to the pageant, all the contestants attend church together. The Miss Black Teenage Danville Pageant is an official preliminary to the Miss Black Teenage Virginia and World pageants, according to Miss Shelton. Competition is open to teenagers 15 to 17 years of age with this year's world finals scheduled for Birmingham, Ala. where $50,000 in college scholarships. will be presented to the top 15 finalists, she Jazz Ensemble, To Perform The Jazz Rock Ensemble of Virginia Commonwealth University will perform at Stratford College Wednesday at 8 p.m.

in Alumnae Hall auditorium. The 12 VCU musicians perform all original compositions which bridge both rock and jazz. The ensemble is now on a concert tour of area colleges. In April they will tour such cities as Mexico City, and Tijuana as guests Acapulco. International Musicians' Conference.

The concert is free to the public. Jones was shot and pushed offthe bridge. Police said that although Mrs. Jones cannot swim, she was able to get out of the water and walk to her home. When she entered the living room, Mundie said, sh found her husband dead in a chair, shot several times in the chest with a small caliber pistol.

A medical examiner said Jones had been shot foir times in the chest at close range, apparently as he sat. in the chair. John Keene, 59, Dies Yesterday John "King" Keene, 59, of 848 Valley St. died yesterday in Memorial Hospital. Widower of Mary Harvey Keene, he was born Jurie 18, 1913, in Pittsylvania: County to the late Burgess.and Mary Sue Keene.

He had lived in Danville of his life, working as a laborer of various construction. companies for 30 years. Mr. Keene is survived by a sister, Mrs. Eva Dodson of Danville; and a brother, Joseph Keene of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. at Cunningham Hughes Chapel by the Rev. Demetrius Crews. Burial will be in the cemetery of Prospect Baptist Church. C.

E. Lacks Funeral Today MILTON, N.C. Funeral will be held at 2 p.m. today at Calvary Church for Charles Eldridge Lacks, who died Sunday in a South Boston, hospital. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Lacks, who lived at Rt. 1 Milton, was born in Halifax County May 2, 1915. a son of Morrell Lacks and Mary Watts Lacks. Dora He was Mise. married to the former He was a member of Calvary United Methodist Church.

In addition to his wife, he leaves four sister, Mrs. Edna L. Toombs of Red Oak, Mrs. Myrtle L. Thompson of Tappahannock, Mrs.

Virginia L. Fleet of Richmond, and Mrs. Ruby L. Black of Portsmouth, five brothers, Clyde Lacks of Rocky Mount, Arthur Lacks of Richmond, James 'Lacks of Staunton, Williams Lacks of Oakland, and Simmie Lacks of Red Oak. Charles Puckett Services Today HALIFAX Charles Marsh Puckett, a retired farmer of Halifax Rt.

2, died yesterday in a South Boston hospital. He was born in Granville! County, N.C., a son of the late Alfred Allen and Susan Moorefield Puckett. He was a member of Dan River Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elsie Irby Puckett; one daughter, Miss Mae of the home; three sisters, Mrs.

Ruth P. Murray Milton, Mrs. Viola Loftis of Halifax and Mrs. Gertrude P. Hobgood of Oxford, N.C.

at 3 p.m. in Dan River Baptist Funeral services will be Church, with burial in the church cemetery. The body is at Powell Funeral Home in South Boston. The Family of W. EVERETT GAULDIN requests that in lieu of flowers memorials go to the Wayles Harrison Cancer Fund.

TAX-FREE INCOME P. NUVEEN TAX-EXEMPT BOND FUND: Series Check-A-Month Plan consists of a diversified, professionally selected portfolio of State and Municipal bonds. Interest income from this Fund is totally exNUVEEN empt from Federal TAX EXEMPT income taxes, in the BOND FUND opinion of counsel, and is distributed each month. Errr For free prospectus, contact: ROBERT P. (BOB) BOYKIN 406 CLARKSON DR.

DANVILLE, VA. 792-3555 representing INVESTORS DIVERSIFIED SERVICES Please send me information on the Nuveen Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Series Check- Plan. Name Address City State Zip Phone J. 1 Afraid you're going deaf? Chicago, free offer of special interest to thosei. who hear but do not understand words has been announced by.

Beltone. A non-operating model of the smallest Beltone aid ever made will be given absolutely. free to. anyone answering this advertisem*nt. Try it to see how it is worn in the privacy of your own home without cost or obligation of any kind.

It's yours to free: It weighs less than a third keep, of an ounce, and it's all at ear level; in one unit. No wires lead from body to head. These, models are free, we 'suggest you write: for. yours now. 'Again; we repeat, there is no cost, and certainly no obligation.

Write to Dept. 9858, Beltone Electronics 4201 W. Victoria, Chicago, Ill. 60646. YORK -The following quotations, supplied by, the National Association.

of. Securities Dealers, are the prices at which these securities could have been sold (net asset value) or bought (value plus sales charge) Monday. AGE End 5.29 5.40 Admiralty Funds: Grwth 4.76 5.22 Incom 4.02 4.41 Insur 9.00 9.87 Advisrs 4.37 4.78 8.91 9.74 Afuture 10.53 N.I.. AlIAm Fd .79. .86 Allstate 13.32 14.32 Alpha 13.78 15.06 Amcap 6.10 6.67 Am Diver 10.17 11.11 Am Egity 4.51 4.98.

Amer Express: Capit 8.01 8.75 Incme 8.79 .9.61 Invest 8.29 9.06. Spect. 7.61 8.32 Stock 8.01 8.75 Am Grth 5.91 6.46' Am InsIn 5.19 5.67 Am Invs 4.91 N.L. Am Mull 8.60 9.40 AmN Gth 2.59 2.83 Anchor Group: Capit 5.63 6.17 Grwth: 8.59 9.41 Incre 7.54 8.26 Fd Inv 8.01 8.78 Vent 8.86 9.71 Wash 12.73 13.95 Astron 4.06 4.44° Audax Fd 9.34 10.20 Axe Houghton: Fnd A 4.97 5.40 Fnd 7.37 8.01 Stock 5.96° 6.51 Scien 4.41 4.79 BL.C Grth 12.10 13.22 Babson 11.32 N.L. Bayrk Fd 7.53 8.01 Bayrk Gr 5.74 6.11 Beacn Hil 10.32 N.L.

Bean In 11.95 N.L. Berg Ken 11.20 N.L. Berk Gth 4.79 5.23 Bondstk 5.21 5.69 Bost Fdn 10.27 11.22 Brwn Fd 3.65 3.99 Bullock Calvin: Bullck 13.70 15.01 Candn 22.16 24.27 Divid 3.80 4.16 NalW 10.15 11.12 NY Vnt 11.81 12.93 Burnh Fd 10.84 N.L. CG Fund 10.62 11.48 Capam 7.76 8.50 Capit Glh 2.84 3.11 Capit Sh 5.92 6.49 Cap Trin 12.44 13.60 Centry Sh 13.34 14.58 Channing Funds: Balan 11.24 12.28 Bond 9.55 10.44 Com St 1.41 1.54 Grwth 5.71 6.24 Incom 6.98 7.63 Speci 1.78 1.95 Vent 8.50 9.29 Chase Gr Bos: Fund 9.17 10.02 Frt Cap 6.56 7.17 Shrhid 7.75 8.47 Speci 7.05 7.70 Chemicl 10.89 11.90 Colonial: Cnvrt 10.28 11.23 Equty 3.55 3.88 Fund 10.37 11.33 Grwth 6.49 7.09 Incom 9.89 10.81 Vent 4.04 4.42 Colu Grth 12.76 N.L. Cwlth AB 1.28 1.39 Cwlth 1.56 1.69 Comp Gr 6.83 7.46 Comp As 4.88 5.35 -Comp Cp 5.44 Comp Bd 8.59 9.34 Comp Fd 8.11 8.82 Concord 10.15 N.L.

Cons Inv 11.75 12.12 Constel 5.32 5.81 Cont Mut 7.94 N.L. Cont Gth 7.98 8.23 Cry Cap 14.50 15.78 Crn WDiv 5.88 6.43 Crn WDal 6.87 7.51 Davge Fd 10.92 N.L. de Vegh 63.09 N.L. Delaware Group: Decat 10.51 11.60 Delaw 10.43 11.40 Delta. 5.39 5.89 Dir Cap 5.30 5.81 Dodg Cox 15.30 N.L.

Drexel 11.92 N.L. Dreyfus Grp: Dreyf 11.55 12.66 Levge 15.41 16.89 Sol Inc 7.89 8.65 Third 9.78 10.72 Fd 3.42 N.L. Eagle Gr 8.76 Balan 9.72 10.62° Grwth 14.84 Incom 6.29 6.87 Specl 8.08 8.83 Stock 13.11 14.33 Ebrstdt 10.65 11.64 EDIE Spl 23.63 N.L. EFC Managemnt: EqGth 8.10 8.88 Eq Pro 3.2) 3.52 Fd Am 7.79 8.54 Egret Gt. 13.21 14.36 Elfun Tr 17.21 Emer Sec 4.63 5.06 Energy 11.87 N.L.

Equity 8.73 9.54 Fairfid 9.09 9.93 Farm Bu 10.09 N.L. Fed Reg. 10.66 Fidelity Group: Bond 10.16 Capit 11.89 12.99 Contid: 9.16 Conv 7.76 8.10 Dstny 6.75 Essex 11.48 Evrst 11.69 12.78 Fidel 16.27 17.78 Puritn 9.78 10.69 Salem 4.37 4.78 Trend 25.25 27.60 Financial Prog: Dyna 4.48 N.L. Indust 4.43 N.L. Incom 5.97 N.L.

Vent 4.33 N.L. FstFd Va 11.81 12.91 Fst Investors: Disco 6.16 6.75 Grwth 7.72 8.46 Stock 8.24 9.03 Fst Mult 8.66 N.L. Fst Sierr 4.56 5.00 Forum Group: Cimb 9.88 N.L. 100 12.17 N.L. 101 Fd 8.89 N.L.

Twen 6.14 N.L. Fnd Gth 4.78 5.23 Founders Group: Grwth 5.49 5.97 Incom 11.93 13.04 Mutal 9.23 10.09 Speci 11.09 12.12 Foursq 9.45 10.33 Franklin Group: DNTC 9.15 10.03 Grwth 7.65 8.38 Utils 5.34 5.85 Incom 2.02 2.21 US Gov 10.06 11.02 5.30 5.81 Equit 4.46 4.89 FdF Fund Dep 10.10 N.L. Inc Grp: Comm 9.35 10.22 Impac 7.90 Ind Trd 12.54 13.70 Pilot 7.57 8.27 Galewy 8.64 9.34 GE 36.65 Gen Sec 7.01 N.L. Group Sec: Apex 6.25 6.84 Balan 8.08 8.84 Com St 11.55 12.63 GrthFd A 4.78 5.22 Grth Ind 21.03 N.L. Guard 23.93 N.L.

Hamilton: HDA 4.33 4.74 Grwth 7.11 7.77 Incom 6.16 6.73 (1.41 N.L. Lev 8.19 N.L. Hedb Gor 8.42 9.20 Hedge 6.79 N.L. Herilge 1.89 2.07 Hor Man 18.78 20.30 ISI Group: Grwth 4.21 4.60 Incom 4.08 4.46 Trus sh 12.57 13.74 Trus un 3.39 Imp Cap unavail Imp Gth unavail IncF Am 13.86 15.15 IncF Bos 6.44 7.06 Industry 3.28 3.59 INTGN 9.38 10.14 ICA 13.37 14.6! Inv Guid 7.94 N.L. Inv Indic 4.27 Inves Bos 12.30 13.44 Investors Group: IDS Grt 7.01 IDS ndi 6.11 6.64 Mutl 10.09 10.96 Prog 4.60 5.00 Stock 20.37 22.14 Select 9.56 10.28 Var Py 8.81 9.58 Inv Resh unavail 5.96-Istel 21.37 22.03 Ivy 7.94 N.L.

JP GrihF unavail Janus 17.03 N.L. Hanck 8.18 8.89 Hanc Si 8.71 9.47 Johnstn 26.21 N.L. Keystone Funds: Apollo 5.39 5.91 Cus B1 19.10 19.98 Cus B2 20.61 22.59 Cus B4 8.90 9.75 Cus K1 7.65 8.39 Cus K2 6.42 7.04 Cus SI 23.30 25.53 S2 11.41 12.50 Cus S4 S3 8.39 9.19 4.75 5.21 Polar 4.23 4.62 Knickb 6.42 7.03 Knick Gt 8.17 8.95 Lenox Fd 5.64 Lexington Grp: Cp Ldr 15.87 17.39 Lex Gr 8.45 9.23 Lex Rh 14.47 15.81 Librty Fd 5.94 6.49 Life Stk 6.68 7.30 Life Ins 8.80 9.61 Line NIl 8.51 9.30 Ling 3.63 Loomis Sayles: Mut Capit 13.02 N.L. 14.74 Lord Abbett: Affiltd 6.61 7.15 A Bus 3.24 3.50 Bnd Db 10.80 11.80 Bro 10.84 11.85. Hall J..

The Danville Register from Danville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.