Training Away the Weakness - Chapter 2 - blandvole (2024)

Chapter Text

“These women will be your instructors.” Jiraiya gestured towards two women dressed in hotel uniforms. “This is Takumi-san and Miho-san.” They had arrived at their destination late in the day. It looked like a traditional Japanese inn, but one that was hidden deep in the mountains surrounded by dense forest growth.

Naruko shifted uncomfortably as the two women looked at her, eyeing her orange jacket distastefully.

“You’ve given us a lot to work with,” the first woman, Takumi, said. Her hair was pulled sternly up in a bun and her face showed that she would not tolerate any nonsense. Her piercing eyes seemed to look through Naruko, seeing all her flaws with a single glance.

“But we will take on this challenge,” Miho, the second woman replied smoothly. She was the picture of elegant beauty with her pale skin and dark hair that was pulled neatly in a low ponytail. Though she wasn’t as outwardly intimidating as the Takumi, Naruko could sense that this woman was even stronger and made a mental note not to mess with her.

“I know you will do good work,” Jiraiya replied, respectfully bowing to them. “Now they will begin your training. Naruko, go with them and listen to everything they say. They will make you strong.”

Naruko gulped and nodded, following the two women into another room. Takumi closed the door firmly behind them, leaving Jiraiya behind.

“Please take off your clothes and change into this,” Miho said. She handed Naruko a wrapped bundle and gestured for Naruko to change behind the screen in the corner.

Naruko nodded and headed over to undress. She could hear the women setting things up from behind the screen, so she didn’t hesitate to strip. Naruko hesitated when she was standing in her underwear, uncertain if the women intended for her to take it off as well. Her dilemma was solved when she opened the bundle to reveal a short robe as well as a set of white underwear. She slid out of her own undergarments and pulled on the thin, white bra and panties. She frowned when she noticed the bra barely covered her breasts and was slightly see-through, her nipples poking through the thin fabric. The panties were revealing as well, covering only half her butt and clinging slightly to her puss* lips.

She only felt better when she slid on the inn’s robe, the dark blue cloth covering up her private parts nicely. She tied it tightly around her waist and pulled it down so it was covering her mid-thighs. When she was satisfied with her appearance, she left the screen to stand patiently in the middle of the room.

“Very good,” Takumi said, taking in the sight of her. “Now come lay down on the table and we will begin.”

The table turned out to be similar to a massage table. It was draped with a white towel and had a pillow for Naruko to rest her head. She laid down on the table on her back, feeling slightly nervous when the two women approached, looming over her.

“We will begin the desensitization process now. Just lay still for us and don’t move.”

Without warning, they both reached up and began to massage Naruko’s shoulders and arms. Naruko twitched, staring at the ceiling as the women began their work. She held her body tense as the women started to work, running their hands firmly over her tan skin.

“Relax,” Miho said softly.

Naruko tried to obey and closed her eyes. She focused on her tense muscles and forced them to relax until she was lying limply on the table.

“Good,” someone said.

One of the hands pressed into a knot in her shoulders, making Naruko moan softly. They massaged her overworked muscles, moving from her shoulders down to her arms and fingers. Naruko fell into a light doze, feeling completely comfortable under the ministrations of the two women. She didn’t even twitch when their hands moved onto her abdomen and then her legs, making her entire body relax.

She only opened her eyes when she felt Takumi tugging at the belt on her robe, pulling it open. “Wait,” she protested weakly.

“It’s alright, we’re all women here. It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.” Without waiting for Naruko’s response, they pulled open her robe, revealing the scantily covered body to the world.

The women then began to apply a thick oil onto her body, drizzling it everywhere. Naruko watched nervously as the oil soaked into the thin cotton bra, causing it to become even more sheer than before. The women then dribbled some of the oil onto her crotch, making her underwear become see-through as well. The women didn’t comment on her suddenly exposed private areas, continuing their work in a professional manner.

Their hands began to massage her shoulders and arms once again, and Naruko fell into a daze again at the pleasurable sensation. She closed her eyes and sighed, the oil making the massage feel even more relaxing. When they finished with her arms, their hands moved to her chest. The started above her breasts, rubbing the oil into her skin in soothing, circular motions. Their fingers inched down and Naruko tensed, feeling their hands move closer and closer to her breasts.

“Relax, Naruko-chan,” Miho whispered. Suddenly they grabbed her breasts, each woman squeezing one between their hands, massaging in the oil.

Naruko whimpered as her body started to respond to the stimulation. She arched her back involuntarily when one of the women pinched her nipples, causing a pleasurable tingle to shoot directly to her crotch. She moaned when the two women both grabbed hold of her nipples and pulled, raising her breasts from her body lewdly in the air. They let go and Naruko could feel her breasts bouncing as they fell back down. Naruko could only bite her lips as the women did this motion over and over again, causing a heat to spread throughout her body, displaying itself as a deep blush on her cheeks.

After what seemed forever, their hands moved from her breasts down her stomach, teasing her as the brushed against the tops of her panties. Naruko squirmed when the throbbing between her legs only grew stronger as the two women began to lightly brush their fingers against her puss* through the thin underwear. They massaged the top of her mons, their fingers teasingly reaching down between her legs sometimes to brush against a spot that made her gasp.

Naruko unconsciously spread her legs, bending at her knees to give them more access. The women took the invitation, their fingers now pressing against Naruko’s puss* lips over her soaked underwear. One of the women began to rub against that special spot, causing Naruko to moan loudly as the pleasure built in her body. They continued to stimulate her puss*, one of them focused on her cl*t while the other began to spread her open, pulling her puss* lips apart and then letting go so that they closed with a soft squelch.

Then a woman reached up and began to pinch her nipples again, shaking her breasts roughly until they were bouncing to the same rhythm that the other woman was stroking her puss*. The sensations overwhelmed her and Naruko could hold back a scream as she came, squirting clear liquid all over her borrowed underwear. The women worked her through her org*sm, making Naruko’s pleasure drag on and on. She org*smed for a good minute, soaking through her panties thoroughly. They continued stimulating her even after the pleasure ended, until she was struggling to escape their hands as their fingers continue to prod at overly sensitive spots.

“No more, stop!” She cried and thrashed around, trying to dislodge their hands from her body.

The women ignored her. One continued to shake her breasts up and down, the sensation now starting to feel painful as her abused nipples were continuously pulled. The other was vigorously rubbing at her puss* through the ruined underwear, dragging pained moans from Naruko as the fabric dragged smoothly against her crotch, lubricated by both the oil and Naruko’s girl cum.

“Stop!” Naruko whimpered, her hands pressing weakly at the women’s’ arms.

“This is part of your training. You must continue to bear it.”

“No, it’s too much!” Naruko protested, her body screaming as the overstimulation continued. Her poor breasts continued to be jiggled and abused until Naruko was crying from the pleasure-pain. Her puss* too was starting to feel raw as the combination of the woman’s fingers and the cloth of her underwear rubbed against her delicate parts. They ignored her protests until Naruko couldn’t handle it any more and mustered up enough strength to push the two women across the room. They both crashed onto the ground, not expecting the resistance.

Hearing the noise, Jiraiya burst into the room. “What’s happening here?” he growled, first looking at the two women on the ground and then turning his angry gaze towards Naruko.

She yelped and immediately moved her arms and legs to hide her private parts from his sight. She was suddenly very aware of how soaked she was in both the oil and her own fluids, both which were causing her underwear to cling tightly to her breasts and puss*, revealing everything to the world.

“Did you just try to harm your teachers, Naruko?” Jiraiya asked.

“She did,” Takumi said angrily. “Hold her down please, Jiraiya-sama. It seems she will not be able to control herself and will need even more training.”

Naruko’s breath caught in her throat as Jiraiya strode over, grabbing her wrists roughly. Naruko struggled to keep her arms covering her breasts, but Jiraiya easily overpowered her, pinning her to the table. He loomed above her, his eyes taking in the sight of her abused, pink nipples and luscious breasts that bounced with every breath she took. She flushed at the thought of her sensei seeing her exposed, with the thin see-through fabric only emphasizing her nudity.

The women had too recovered and took the chance to force her legs down to the bed now, taking away the last bit of her modesty. Without shame they spread her legs, revealing her leaking, pink puss* to Jiraiya as well. Naruko blushed as she felt a bit of liquid dribble out of her, evidence of her prior pleasure. The women then got straps from under the bed and tied her legs to the corners of the table, preventing her from closing her legs.

“Now we will continue with your training,” Takumi said.

Naruko yelped when her breasts were grabbed roughly and massaged in circles. Takumi returned to her puss*, adept fingers pinching at her oversensitive cl*t through the underwear, pulling it from her body. Her body had seemingly recovered from before and now all she could feel was pleasure as she writhed under the woman's’ touch.

Naruko tugged uselessly at her arms, trying to free them from Jiraiya’s strong grasp. She didn’t want him to see her this way, but he held her firmly, his eyes following the bounce of her breasts. His eyes trailed down to watch as her puss* lips were spread again, revealing the pink of her insides to his gaze. She moaned unwillingly, the humiliation of him watching only making her pleasure build faster. His eyes pierced her body, invading her most private spots.

Takumi continued to roll her cl*t in between her skilled fingers, causing Naruko to tremble as the rough fabric was rubbed against her delicate flesh. Miho was busy playing with her nipples, teasing at them until they poked proudly out from beneath her bra. It only took one last tug to her cl*t before Naruko was cumming again. This time the woman pulled her underwear aside, her bare puss* squirting liquid all over her legs and the table.

“Geez, this is worse than I thought,” Jiraiya said as he watched Naruko org*sm. The entire time she continued to squirt large gushes of fluid until it had soaked through the towels she was laying on and began to drip onto the ground.

Once she was finished, like last time, the women continued to stimulate her body. “She will need intense training,” Miho agreed with Jiraiya. “But fortunately we have all the resources we will need.”

Naruko tried to squirm away from the hands as they pressed and rubbed against her breasts and puss*. However she was firmly trapped beneath Jiraiya’s grip, with her legs unable to move from where they were tied down to the corners of the table. She began to silently cry as the pleasure turned to pain, her overstimulated body struggling to escape.

“This is the most important part of your training, Naruko,” Jiraiya told her. “You must bear it like the strong kunoichi you are. This is how your body will learn to stop craving pleasure.”

Naruko heard his words and nodded, sniffing back a few tears. She bit her lip and tried to tell her body to ignore the sensations and closed her eyes firmly. Her body was continuously pinched at and stroked in her most sensitive areas under the supervision of Jiraiya. She stared at his face, gaining strength from his presence. She would overcome this, and then she would become strong enough to return to Konoha and take over as Hokage. She focused on that thought as the assault on her body continued.

She was so focused that she didn’t realize when the sensations started to change, going from pain back into pleasure. It wasn’t until a rough stroke to her puss* drew out an involuntary moan that she began to pay attention to her body again. Seeing her reaction, the women increased their ministrations, pulling moan after moan out of her. It felt even more intense than the first two times and Naruko could feel the pleasure building fast.

“Control your body, Naruko. Don’t let the pleasure take over,” Jiraiya commanded her.

She tried to listen, telling her body to ignore the pleasure and push it away. She could feel herself on the brink of org*sm but bit her lip and refused to let it take over. The women were seemingly determined to make her cum, now using all of their skills to attack her most sensitive spots. Naruko held back her org*sm for a full minute, her body squirming under the hands of the two women the entire time.

“Good girl, Naruko,” Jiraiya breathed out.

Her eyes shot open and she met his gaze. Her pink lips parted and she let out a moan, her body reacting to the praise. It was too much, having the women work her body and seeing the approval from her sensei. She came again, her hips arching off the bed as she began to have the most intense org*sm yet. She screamed as cum squirted from her puss*, her thrusting hips making it shoot erratically across the room, spraying all over the floor. The women moved all of their attention to her breasts, keeping her coming by just stimulating her nipples alone. They all watched as Naruko continued to squirt, covering her body in her cum. Some of it arched upwards and hit her in the face, falling into her open mouth, forcing her to taste herself.

When her org*sm finally finished, the women let go of her breasts. Naruko collapsed onto the table, panting as she came down from her org*sm. Jiraiya also let go of her arms, now that she was weak and limp from coming for so long.

“We’ll need to punish you for this,” he said disappointed. “Too bad, I thought you were improving.”

“We will go prepare the punishment, Jiraiya-sama. Please meet us there.” The women bowed and left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Jiraiya un-tied Naruko’s legs and threw a clean towel over her body. “Dry yourself and come with me.”

Naruko weakly pushed herself into a seated position, taking the towel in her limp grasp. “Where are we going?”

Jiraiya looked at her sharply. “No questions. You have disappointed me, Naruko. I thought you had more self-control than that but it seems you are worse than I even imagined.”

Naruko wilted and gingerly began to dry her body, wiping off the oil and cum from her body. She dabbed at her breasts and between her legs, trying to avoid touching the sensitive areas. The bra and panties were starting to get cold, soaked in her cum as they were. The chill made her nipples protrude out, made even more obvious by the way the bra was sticking to her breasts. She stood up and discarded the towel onto the ruined table, moving towards the screen to put back on her clothes.

“What are you doing?” Jiraiya asked.

“I need to change,” Naruko explained nervously, hesitating under his angry stare.

“It’s fine, just come with me.”

“But everyone will be able to see me!” Naruko protested, wrapping her arms around her chest defensively.

“It’s not like you’re naked,” Jiraiya scoffed, grabbing her by the wrist. “It’s fine, you’re wearing underwear still.”

He pulled her behind him and she had to follow, dragged by one arm as her other arm desperately tried to cover up her body. No matter what Jiraiya said, Naruko knew that her outfit would not do anything for her modesty if they were to run into people. Soaked as it was, the white fabric was entirely see through, showing off her erect nipples and swollen puss* to anyone who cared to look. The underwear clung tightly to her skin, as if she were trying to show her most private parts to the world.

Mercilessly, Jiraiya pulled her out of the room and into the hallway. Naruko cowered behind him as they began to walk down the hall. It was currently empty, but she could hear voices of raucous men ahead of them, in the lobby where Jiraiya was leading her. Naruko began to struggle against Jiraiya the further down the hallway they went, not wanting to expose herself to so many strangers.

“Stop fighting me,” he snapped, tugging her body forwards until she crashed into his chest. “For that you have to walk in front. Now go.”

“Please no!” Naruko cried as she was pushed forwards. Jiraiya grabbed both of her wrists and pulled her arms behind her back, leaving her body completely exposed as they moved forwards.

“This is your punishment for giving into your pleasure,” he said, his strong body forcing her down the hallway. “I’ve never seen anyone come as much as you did. You obviously didn’t try very hard considering how much pleasure you got out of your training session. Do you even want to be strong? At this rate you’ll never become the Hokage.”

“Jiraiya-sama, please don’t let those men see me,” Naruko pleaded, tears filling her eyes as they turned the corner. She could see straight into the lobby now at the dozens of men milling about, though they hadn’t spotted her yet.

Jiraiya ignored her and wish a final shove he forced her out into the lobby, where the crowd quickly went silent at the sight of her. Naruko sobbed as she felt all of their lecherous gazes examine her body. From her long blonde pigtails and tearful blue eyes, down to the way her heaving breasts bounced underneath the loving grasp of the skimpy, white bra that was so sheer it did nothing to hide her pink nipples sticking proudly from her chest. From there their eyes traveled down to her puss*, the tiny panties doing nothing to hide her delicate pink lips from their sight, with her little cl*t poking out from between them.

They were silent as she was paraded between them through the lobby, Jiraiya ignoring the way Naruko was crying the entire time. She could hardly see through her tears, so it wasn’t unexpected when she suddenly tripped. Jiraiya let go of her arms just as she fell, watching her fall on all fours, her legs spread as she tried to catch herself.

Naruko froze in that position, her forearms and chest pressed against the ground while her legs were lewdly spread, hips in the air. She could feel the breeze against her puss* and glanced back anxiously. As she feared, all the men in the room had their eyes glued on her spread puss*, ravenously taking in her leaking hole that wasn’t hidden in the slightest by her soaked panties. Her puss* began to throb again as the men continued to watch her, and Naruko could do nothing but tremble on the ground, trapped beneath their gazes.

“Jiraiya-sama, this way.” Miho called out from a door across the lobby.

Jiraiya nodded and headed over to them, pausing before he entered the room. “Naruko, come on,” he said impatiently.

She nodded, forcing her trembling body to obey as she pushed herself up from all fours to stand again. Her arms now free, she tried to cover up her body as much as she could, one arm covering her breasts while the other guarded her puss*. She tensely walked over to Jiraiya, wary of any of the strangers who might try to touch her. They behaved themselves, however, and merely watched as she left the room with Jiraiya.

The next room they entered was small, it was a storage room it seemed. Naruko nervously stopped in front of the two women, glancing behind her at the open door where she could still see all of the men. Jiraiya stood to the side of the room, leaning against the door which he kept ajar, keeping her from closing it.

Takumi was holding up some kind of harness, while Miho held up one of the inn’s robes. Naruko was so relieved to see that and tried to take the robe from the woman to hide her body from the men in the lobby who still watched.

“You can’t put that on yet, you’ll dirty it with your filthy underwear,” Takumi said loudly, her voice echoing so all the men in the lobby could hear.

“If you take off the underwear first then I can give you the robe, Naruko-chan,” Miho said gently.

Naruko froze, looking from the two women to the dozens of men who had all moved so they had a clear view into the storage room. She glanced at Jiraiya as well, who did not look sympathetic in the least, nor did he make moves to close the door.

“Can I have somewhere to change, then?” she asked, her eyes pleading.

“Here is fine, isn’t it?” The stern looking woman said with a malicious gleam in her eyes.

“You must be getting cold from wearing that wet bra and panties anyways,” Miho chimed in. “Come on, take it off before you get sick.”

“But all these men are watching,” Naruko protested weakly.

“Stop wasting time,” Jiraiya snapped. “We have a schedule here and you’re holding us up.”

Naruko wilted, seeing his resolute expression. She bit her lip and hugged herself indecisively, glancing between Jiraiya and the men in the lobby.

Fed up with her dallying, Jiraiya strode over from the door. “I told you to hurry up,” he growled. “You still need to be punished for earlier and now you want to be punished more? Well fine then.”

He bent her over at the waist, making her fall on all fours like she had been earlier. She shouted and caught herself before her face smacked the floor. Jiraiya kicked her feet apart, making her spread her legs again with her butt facing the lobby. Without hesitation, he spanked her sharply. Naruko yelped and tried to stand up, but couldn’t due to Jiraiya’s hand pressing her back to the ground.

“Hold still,” he said, spanking her again with his full hand.

“Jiraiya-sama, please,” Naruko pleaded, not wanting to get spanked in front of all of these people.

“And no talking back!” Jiraiya shouted, his next spank hitting her puss* dead on.

She whimpered and arched her back involuntarily, seemingly pushing out her puss* to the men. They were silent as they watched her be spanked. Jiraiya directed the next few spanks to her buttocks, making them flush red as the sounds of her spanking filled the room. Naruko couldn’t keep in her whimpers as he continued to target the same spot, pain blooming at each progressive slap. Then Jiraiya mercifully moved his hand to slap the backs of her thighs, causing Naruko to release a sigh of relief.

Without warning, though, he slapped at her crotch again, hitting directly onto her hole. She cried out as he spanked her over and over again on her puss*, making the flesh turn an angry red that was obvious to see under her sheer panties. Though it was painful, Naruko began to feel her puss* throbbing again as her body started to get turned on again. She shifted her hips, hoping to hide her reaction from Jiraiya’s eyes. Her movement only caused his next slap to graze her cl*t, causing her to jump.

Jiraiya noticed the reaction and directed his next slap to touch her cl*t again. Naruko panted as he continued to stimulate her, the pain turning into pleasure as he spanked her puss* in front of the crowd of men. She didn’t notice when she started to moan, but Jiraiya did.

He began to slap her puss* even faster, scolding her as he did so. “Look at you, showing off to all these men. You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Getting your naughty c*nt spanked in front of all of these strangers. You’d better not come from this or there will be serious consequences to pay, you hear me?”

She didn’t respond, too busy rocking her hips back to meet his hand. She began to whimper as the pleasure built, her puss* hot and throbbing under his firm hand. She was leaking, wetting his hand as he continued to slap her, something he didn’t fail to notice.

“Are you seriously getting turned on again?” He asked, pausing her spanking to wipe his hand on her butt. “Look at that, you’re dripping down your legs. You really don’t want to complete this training to become a strong kunoichi, do you Naruko?”

“I do. I do want to become a strong kunoichi, Jiraiya-sama,” Naruko sobbed.

“Then what is all of this?” Jiraiya gestured to the wetness that now covered her thighs. He pulled aside her panties to expose her inflamed puss*. He and the rest of the men watched as Naruko clenched her hole, causing a thick drop of fluid to drip from her lips and drop to the floor.

“Please,” Naruko begged, not even knowing what she was pleading for anymore.

“I’m going to finish your spanking and you’d better not come!” Jiraiya said, spurred forwards by the sight of her leaking puss*. He began to slap her again, firm and hard, making sure to hit directly against her cl*t every time.

Naruko moaned loudly and shook her hips, making her butt jiggle and dance for all the men to see. Her breasts waved beneath her as she moved, her nipples grazing the ground whenever Jiraiya’s spanks thrust her body forwards.

“Ah, ah, ah,” she cried out with each slap. Naruko could barely focus as her pleasure grew. Deep in her mind she knew she should be resisting, holding back the org*sm that was quickly building. But between the pleasure of her cl*t, and Jiraiya’s strong hand, and the eyes that were all watching her be debased in public, she couldn’t hold her focus.

And so it was unsurprising for everyone when she finally came, screaming out her pleasure under Jiraiya’s hand which landed one last slap before he drew aside her panties, giving the audience an unobstructed view. She began to squirt, her cum landing onto the floor, almost reaching the group of men who watched transfixed. Through her org*sm, Naruko thrust her body back and forth, searching for more stimulus on her puss* that wasn’t coming. Because of this her nipples were dragged against the rough floor, creating enough pleasure to sustain her org*sm.

Finally, she collapsed on the ground, her arms giving way. Her legs stayed in place, leaving her puss* in the air, dripping cum for all the men to watch. She was too exhausted to even think of bringing her legs down for some modicum of privacy. Her puss* throbbed from her org*sm causing her hole to clench and release, teasing the men as they listened to the squelch from the swollen lips opening and closing.

“Well that just proves that your next punishment is very much needed,” Jiraiya said. He strode up to Naruko and tore of her panties, throwing them onto the ground. Then he hauled the girl up and tore off her bra next, leaving her naked in front of everyone. He held out his hand and was handed the harness from earlier.

Naruko was so weak that she just let him pick up one leg, and then another, as he slipped the harness onto her crotch. It resembled underwear in the way it wrapped around her waist and butt, but the section that would fit between her legs was made of some rubber material that resembled pearls on a string. Jiraiya pulled it up until the rubber pearls were securely fitted between her puss* lips, and then tightened the leather straps to hold it in place. Naruko gasped as the pearls pressed directly against her oversensitive cl*t, moving her hips uncomfortably but too weak to remove the harness.

Then Jiraiya grabbed the robe and slid it over her arms, tying it closed so she was fully covered. The men grumbled in disappointment, seeing that the show was over, and slowly the crowd dispersed. The two women bowed politely to Jiraiya and left them to return to their jobs.

Seeing as she was too weak to move, Jiraiya swept Naruko up in a bridal carry and began to stride back to their room. As he walked, Naruko was slightly jostled, causing the harness to rub slightly against her tender puss*. She moaned slightly at that, but other than that didn’t protest as he carried her down the hall. She was barely conscious by the time they reached their room, and the last thing she noticed was Jiraiya gently placing her on a futon before she fell asleep.

Training Away the Weakness - Chapter 2 - blandvole (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6550

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.